by CHitchensfan
Mankind existed long before the development of any of the world’s religions of today. Religions have come and gone over the ages. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of them, have fallen to scientific knowledge, reason and common sense as civilizations have developed.
Mankind existed long before the development of any of the world’s religions of today. Religions have come and gone over the ages. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of them, have fallen to scientific knowledge, reason and common sense as civilizations have developed.
If any of us happened to stumble on a person today who believed in the gods of Greek mythology, we would shake our heads and look upon that person with great pity that he would believe in such gibberish. We know full well what controls the currents of the sea and how weather develops and have no need to create Poseidon to explain such matters. We know that the sun is a stationary star, a giant ball of hot gas that provides light and warmth to our planet. We have telescopes and satellites that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the earth’s rotation creates an illusion of the sun streaming across the sky. Therefore we have no need to create a story and a belief that there is a great god Apollo who drives a blinding golden chariot across the sky each day. We’ve been to the top of Mt. Olympus and have seen for ourselves that there is no godly alliance of all-powerful beings watching and ruling over us. Yet for many years, much of the civilized world believed in such nonsense and in those days to not do so would have been a punishable offense.
In the future, whether it is fifty years from now or a hundred or even a thousand, people of that time will look back on Christianity, Judaism, Islam and the remaining world’s religions of the day in the same manner. Don't deny it. It’s already begun.
Clear religious principles in The Bible have been fading from our society for some time and will continue to do so. Even Christians must confess that society has rejected many things from The Bible out of reason or pure common sense.
Can you imagine if a father today murdered his son and claimed that God told him to do it as a test of faith? If that man used Abraham’s story from the Old Testament as his defense, would anyone think for one moment that the murderer would not be put before the justice system and condemned?
What would happen today if an employer failed to promote a woman citing Paul in the New Testament? “I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man.” How likely would it be that the employer would win such an argument if tested in court?
Jewish and Christian faithful have long since abandoned many principles from the Old and New Testaments regarding such things as the treatment of women and slavery, which is expressly and embarrassingly tolerated in many parts of The Bible.
In Islam the horrific treatment of women and the positively amoral manner in which men sacrifice themselves to commit acts of terrorism have gained world-wide attention. Does anyone believe that reason and common sense will not someday prevail over such religious thinking?
The erosion of religion has begun and is building.
The erosion of religion has begun and is building.
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